阿根廷成立漁撈配額評估小組阿根廷宣佈2011年漁撈配額訂定係依據往年研究資料及去年漁獲量為標準。1月初評估小組的報告會針對狗鱈193,000公噸、福氣魚150,000公噸、明太鱈45,000公噸及美露鱈(房地產Patagonian toothfish)3,250公噸的初步配額作出修正。該小組會在限定溫度、鹽度及幼魚集中的水域(以Chubut及Santa Cruz省為主),評估魚群產卵及繁殖情況後取得資源統計概數。並規定作業漁船自永慶房屋1月1日 開始需安裝攝影監控系統連續90天;漁船不得任意破壞能提供作業使用的漁具、魚體大小及丟棄量等相關資料的攝影系統;另內建警告主管當局有漁船進入禁止水域作業的全球位置測定系統(GPS)支票貼現系統。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 2/2011)Authorities have announced the catch quotas for 2011 based on past researches and on last year’s catches; thequotas for the first 酒店打工semester are 193,000 MT of hake, 150,000 MT of hoki, 45,000 MT of pollock and 3,250 MTof Patagonian toothfish. These are preliminary quotas, and can be modified following the 土地買賣release of the evaluationmission results launched in the beginning of January. The objectives of the mission are to restrict the concentrationarea of juveniles as well as the 找房子temperature and salinity of those waters, to evaluate the spawning stocks and theirreproductive status and to obtain a demographic estimation of the resources. The missions are 農地貸款focused mainly in theprovinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz. A camera surveillance system is also mandatory for commercial fishing boatsfrom January 1st, and they have 90 days to 酒店工作install them on board. These cameras are inviolable and will provideinformation of the fishing gears used, the size of the extracted fish and the volume of the discards. It also 節能燈具has inbuiltGPS systems that alert the authorities when a boat enters a forbidden fishing area.

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